im looking for both of this antique film camera

Lomo Holga 135bC
Infos :
size: 4.5″ x 3″ x 2.5″ (Smaller than the standard Holga)
weight: 170grams
format: all 35mm film
lens: plastic 47mm, f/8
focus: manual zone focus with four distance settings
approximate 35mm format equivalent focal length: 38mm
aperature settings: f/8, f/11
shutter speeds: 1/125, “B”
flash: standard hotshoe
rear mask for enhanced vignette effect
multiple exposures
standard tripod and cable release threads

Yashica FX-3 (kalau ada yg FX-3 Super lagi best! murah2 sudah!)
Infos :
Type:35mm Single Lens Reflex camera
Picture Size:24 x 36 mm
Normal Lens:Yashica 50mm MC f/2.0 and others
Lens Mount:Bayonet mount, known as Y/C mount (stands for Yashica/Contax mount)
Shutter:Vertical-travel shutter with metal curtains. Single-axis rotating dial for B, 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/15, 1/30, 1/60, 1/125, 1/250, 1/500, and 1/1000 sec.
Equipped with built-in mirror-lock self-timer.Threaded shutter button for cable release.
Flash Sync:X-sync (X-sync speed of 1/125 sec., hot-shoe on top of the camera). Single contact hot-shoe, just for triggering flash light (6V trigger voltage).
ISO Setting:Available from ISO 12 to 1600 in 1/3 EV step
Viewfinder:No information about coverage.
Built-in Exposure Meter:Silicone Photo Detector (SPD) sensor, with LED reading in viewfinder (-, o, +). Center-weighted metering.
Activated with the press of metering button near viewfinder. No information about metering sensitivity.
Film Loading & Advance:After opening camera back, insertion onto spool. Advances with camera-top lever.
Frame Counter:Counts from 0 to 37 and resets automatically when camera back is opened. Film advance and rewind status indicator provided.
Film Rewind:Crank
Dimensions & Weight:No information about dimension and weight, but for sure it's small and light. I believe with a 50mm f/2.0 lens, total weight will still be under 500 grams.

walaupun orang dah tak guna camera lama camni,skrg kan canggih2 ribu2 punya camera tapi aku masih minat ngn kualiti gambaq hasil dari camera2 ni.. minat kan?so tak kesah la buruk camna pon camera ni or apa org ckp.. hahaha.. janji enjoy!


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