muhammad aniq isyraf bin mohd rizal

Assalamualaikum wbt.

the name is muhammad aniq isyraf bin mohd rizal. he is my little 5 years old naughty nephew. we (my family and his father) always scold at him for his naughtiness! but last night is very heavy for us to bear for what has happened to him. he got his head wounded by a moving ceiling fan when he play on double deck bed at his father's friend. at that time,i was at the gym and after my mom called,i drove to the hospital as quickly i can.

his wound looked so deep like the content of his forehead were cut out! it's deeply cut. i saw it and if i were him,maybe i might pass out already. emm. but he is really determination and quite strong for not crying too much just only when the medical assistant poked into the hands of the water tube. i am very sad to see him sleeping on the bed while waiting time for operation. he's strong, yea he's tough! when the scan is done, his wound not affected his eyes veins or his skull.
Alhamdulillah syukur sangat!

at 2 am he entered into the surgical ward to sew his head wound. he was in there for 4 hours and we (me,my mom and his father) were waiting outside the ward for him. then at about 5:45 am he is removed from the surgical ward and entered into the normal ward to rest. he still unconscious from the effects of ubat bius yang depa cucuk.

hopefully he will get well soon and start playing football with me again!

arrived at normal ward

sleeping while waiting to move to surgery ward.

resting after surgery

"aniq aniq, jangan buas2 lagi lepas ni okay?? nanti paksu beli ikan banyak2 kita boh dalam akuarium!"

dear friends who read this,hoping you guys to pray for my nephew healthy and for him to get strong to face all what has happened to him. eventhough he is very naughty but he always my precious nephew who are so strong to survive his daily life. i dont know how hard he live his life nowadays but he sure are so kuat semangat!

we all love you,i love you. as always!


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